July 30, 2010

Online virtual operating system

              Have you ever seen operating system in your own web browser, no! then have a look at this one – this is one of the first operating system you have ever seen before – Online virtual operating system – which has been rolled out by windows4all.com, which has been developed using Microsoft Silverlight.
             When you browse to windows4all.com, it will request us to install Sliverlight on to desktop, if you have already installed the same on to your desktop, then you will be directly redirected to the Operating System, if you are installing Silverlight for the first time, it will request us to install the same. After installing, just browse towindows4all.com (or) refresh (F5) if it is already opened in your browser.
                           You can view Virtual Operating System right away on your respective browsers, it has a start button (like Windows Vista and older versions), File Explorer (Like Windows Explorer), a Media Player, a Notepad, RSS reader, paint application, Games like Chess, Solitaire, Spider, Tic-tac-toe, and many more

This virtual operating system also supports installation of programs, but the respective program should be developed in Silverlight and be available in Internet or local file system. This online virtual operating system is alpha now! might get more features added in future.


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